Results for 'Eric G. Kirby'

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  1.  81
    Expectations and Disappointments.Susan L. Kirby, Eric G. Kirby & Douglas W. Lyon - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9:343-358.
    The 2008 financial crisis has raised serious ethical questions about behaviors associated with the free market system and the effectiveness of undergraduate business ethics education. We offer opposing interpretations of the crisis, a “Markets Work” and a “Critical” perspective, in order to provide students with an opportunity to examine their ethical assumptions. We frame our discussion around legitimacy; therefore, we utilize an institutional theory lens to frame the processes by which financial organizations are rewarded with social legitimacy for using “proper” (...)
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  2.  34
    Simultaneous brightness induction as a function of inducing- and test-field luminances.Eric G. Heinemann - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 50 (2):89.
  3.  44
    On the consistency of relative facts.Eric G. Cavalcanti, Andrea Di Biagio & Carlo Rovelli - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-7.
    Lawrence et al. have presented an argument purporting to show that “relative facts do not exist” and, consequently, “Relational Quantum Mechanics is incompatible with quantum mechanics”. The argument is based on a GHZ-like contradiction between constraints satisfied by measurement outcomes in an extended Wigner’s friend scenario. Here we present a strengthened version of the argument, and show why, contrary to the claim by Lawrence et al., these arguments do not contradict the consistency of a theory of relative facts. Rather, considering (...)
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    The View from a Wigner Bubble.Eric G. Cavalcanti - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-31.
    In a recent no-go theorem [Bong et al., Nature Physics (2020)], we proved that the predictions of unitary quantum mechanics for an extended Wigner’s friend scenario are incompatible with any theory satisfying three metaphysical assumptions, the conjunction of which we call “Local Friendliness”: Absoluteness of Observed Events, Locality and No-Superdeterminism. In this paper (based on an invited talk for the QBism jubilee at the 2019 Växjö conference) I discuss the implications of this theorem for QBism, as seen from the point (...)
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  5.  40
    The relation of apparent brightness to the threshold for differences in luminance.Eric G. Heinemann - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (5):389.
  6.  57
    On modifications of Reichenbach's principle of common cause in light of Bell's theorem.Eric G. Cavalcanti & Raymond Lal - 2014 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (42):424018.
    Bellʼs 1964 theorem causes a severe problem for the notion that correlations require explanation, encapsulated in Reichenbachʼs principle of common cause. Despite being a hallmark of scientific thought, dropping the principle has been widely regarded as much less bitter medicine than the perceived alternative—dropping relativistic causality. Recently, however, some authors have proposed that modified forms of Reichenbachʼs principle could be maintained even with relativistic causality. Here we break down Reichenbachʼs principle into two independent assumptions—the principle of common cause proper and (...)
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  7. Bell Nonlocality, Signal Locality and Unpredictability (or What Bohr Could Have Told Einstein at Solvay Had He Known About Bell Experiments).Eric G. Cavalcanti & Howard M. Wiseman - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (10):1329-1338.
    The 1964 theorem of John Bell shows that no model that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics can simultaneously satisfy the assumptions of locality and determinism. On the other hand, the assumptions of signal locality plus predictability are also sufficient to derive Bell inequalities. This simple theorem, previously noted but published only relatively recently by Masanes, Acin and Gisin, has fundamental implications not entirely appreciated. Firstly, nothing can be concluded about the ontological assumptions of locality or determinism independently of each (...)
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  8.  28
    Conditional stimulus control.Eric G. Heinemann & Sheila Chase - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):187.
  9. Causation, Decision Theory, and Bell’s Theorem: A Quantum Analogue of the Newcomb Problem.Eric G. Cavalcanti - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (3):569-597.
    I apply some of the lessons from quantum theory, in particular from Bell’s theorem, to a debate on the foundations of decision theory and causation. By tracing a formal analogy between the basic assumptions of causal decision theory (CDT)—which was developed partly in response to Newcomb’s problem— and those of a local hidden variable theory in the context of quantum mechanics, I show that an agent who acts according to CDT and gives any nonzero credence to some possible causal interpretations (...)
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  10.  80
    Regulatory and ethical principles in research involving children and individuals with developmental disabilities.Eric G. Yan & Kerim M. Munir - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):31 – 49.
    Children and individuals with developmental disabilities compared to typical participants are disadvantaged not only by virtue of being vulnerable to risks inherent in research participation but also by the higher likelihood of exclusion from research altogether. Current regulatory and ethical guidelines although necessary for their protection do not sufficiently ensure fair distributive justice. Yet, in view of disproportionately higher burdens of co-occurring physical and mental disorders in individuals with DD, they are better positioned to benefit from research by equitable participation. (...)
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  11. Elizabeth S. Spelke, Gary Katz, Susan E. Purcell, sheryl M. Ehrlich and Karen breinlinger (cornell university) early knowledge of object motion: Continuity and inertia, 131-l 76. [REVIEW]Kris N. Kirby, Eric Margolis, Heinz Wimmer, Laura Kotovsky & Renbe Baillargeon - 1994 - Cognition 51:285-286.
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  12.  37
    The astronomical correspondence between the abbe Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille and Tobias Mayer.Eric G. Forbes & Jacques Gapaillard - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (4):483-542.
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  13. The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer Royal, vol 1. 1666-1682.Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin, Frances Willmoth & J. A. Bennett - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (2):208-209.
  14. Matter and spirit in the age of animal magnetism.Eric G. Wilson - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):329-345.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Matter and Spirit in the Age of Animal MagnetismEric G. WilsonDuring the Romantic period, writers on both sides of the Atlantic explored the sleepwalker as a merger of holiness and horror. Emerging when scientific thinkers for the first time were connecting spirit to electricity and magnetism, the somnambulist became to certain Romantics a disclosure of the difficulty of harmonizing unseen and seen, agency and necessity. This problem prominently arose (...)
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  15.  37
    Analysis of stimulus generalization with a psychophysical method.Eric G. Heinemann, Edward Avin, Mary A. Sullivan & Sheila Chase - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):215.
  16.  46
    Stories, autobiographies, and moral inquiry.Eric G. Wiland - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (2):188–198.
  17.  28
    History of Science in the Federal Republic of Germany.Eric G. Forbes - 1974 - History of Science 12 (2):147-151.
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  18.  20
    Tobias Mayer's method of measuring the areas of irregular polygons.Eric G. Forbes - 1970 - Annals of Science 26 (4):319-329.
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    (1 other version)Tobias Mayer's theory of colour-mixing and its application to artistic reproductions.Eric G. Forbes - 1970 - Annals of Science 26 (2):95-114.
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  20.  29
    Executive Control of Scientific Discovery.Eric G. Freedman - 1998 - Philosophica 62 (2).
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  21. Understanding scientific controversies from a computational perspective-the case of latent learning.Eric G. Freedman - 1992 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15:310-337.
  22.  22
    Control of pigeons’ choice behavior by the position and luminance of a spot of light.Eric G. Heinemann & Karen Kadison - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (6):522-524.
  23.  32
    Figural aftereffects in kinesthesis: Effects of object width and repeated presentations.Eric G. Heinemann - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 61 (1):51.
  24.  12
    Multimodal distributions of pigeon’s reaction time.Eric G. Heinemann - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):75-77.
  25.  30
    On the form of stimulus generalization curves for auditory intensity.Eric G. Heinemann & Sheila Chase - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (3):483.
  26.  48
    Tilt adaptation and figural after-effect.Eric G. Heinemann & Thomas Marill - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (6):468.
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  27.  38
    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg and the opera inedita of Tobias Mayer.Eric G. Forbes - 1972 - Annals of Science 28 (1):31-42.
  28.  26
    The correspondence between Carl Friedrich Gauss and the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne (1802–5).Eric G. Forbes B. Sc PhD - 1971 - Annals of Science 27 (3):213-237.
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    Tobias mayer's method for calculating the circumstances of a solar eclipse.Eric G. Forbes - 1972 - Annals of Science 28 (2):177-189.
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    Tobias Mayer's new astrolabe : Its principles and construction.Eric G. Forbes - 1971 - Annals of Science 27 (2):109-116.
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  31. The role of explanation in very simple tasks.Eric G. Taylor, David H. Landy & Brian H. Ross - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
  32. Ties that bind : relationships among academia, industry, and government in life sciences research.Eric G. Campbell [ - 2010 - In Thomas H. Murray & Josephine Johnston, Trust and integrity in biomedical research: the case of financial conflicts of interest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  33.  62
    John Blundell: Menander and the Monologue. (Hypomnemata, 59.) Pp. 91. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1980. Paper.Eric G. Turner - 1982 - The Classical Review 32 (01):94-.
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  34. Gadamer, Dewey, and the importance of play in philosophical inquiry.Christopher Kirby - 2016 - Reason Papers 38 (1).
    Over the last eighty years, studies in play have carved out a small, but increasingly significant, niche within the social sciences and a rich repository has been built which underscores the importance of play to social, cultural, and psychological development. The general point running through these works is a philosophical recognition that play should not be separated from the trappings of everyday life, but instead should be seen as one of the more primordial aspects of human existence. Gadamer is one (...)
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  35. Bar and Line Graph Comprehension: An Interaction of Top‐Down and Bottom‐Up Processes.Priti Shah & Eric G. Freedman - 2011 - Topics in Cognitive Science 3 (3):560-578.
    This experiment investigated the effect of format (line vs. bar), viewers’ familiarity with variables, and viewers’ graphicacy (graphical literacy) skills on the comprehension of multivariate (three variable) data presented in graphs. Fifty-five undergraduates provided written descriptions of data for a set of 14 line or bar graphs, half of which depicted variables familiar to the population and half of which depicted variables unfamiliar to the population. Participants then took a test of graphicacy skills. As predicted, the format influenced viewers’ interpretations (...)
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  36.  42
    Choices based on redundant information: An analysis of two-dimensional stimulus control.Sheila Chase & Eric G. Heinemann - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (2):161.
  37.  18
    Aristotle's Rhetoric: An Art of Character (review).John T. Kirby - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):651-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aristotle’s Rhetoric: An Art of CharacterJohn T. KirbyEugene Garver. Aristotle’s Rhetoric: An Art of Character. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995. xii + 344 pp. Cloth, $53.95; paper, $18.95.The history of Aristotle’s Rhetoric has been one of cyclical obscurity and rediscovery. Arguably the single greatest work of rhetorical theory ever penned, in any time or culture, its popularity and influence seem to wax and wane (...)
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  38.  57
    There are at least two kinds of probability matching: Evidence from a secondary task.A. Ross Otto, Eric G. Taylor & Arthur B. Markman - 2011 - Cognition 118 (2):274-279.
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  39.  63
    Conflicts of Interest and the Future of Medicine: The United States, France and Japan. [REVIEW]Eric G. Campbell - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (4):915-915.
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    Metz Joachim. Grundriβ einer allgemeinen Schaltungstheorie . German, with German, English, and Russian summaries. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik , vol. 1 no. 1 , pp. 32–52. [REVIEW]Eric G. Wagner - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):542-542.
  41.  19
    Cognition in the psychology of science.Barry Gholson, Eric G. Freedman & Arthur C. Houts - 1989 - In Psychology of science: contributions to metascience. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 267.
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  42.  46
    Industry Support of Continuing Medical Education: Evidence and Arguments.Susan Dorr Goold & Eric G. Campbell - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (6):34-37.
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    The effects of brief variable foreperiods on simple reaction time.Donald J. Polzella, Eric G. Ramsey & Samuel M. Bower - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):467-469.
  44.  80
    Angus Macintyre. Ramsey quantifiers in arithmetic. Model theory of algebra and arithmetic, Proceedings of the Conference on Applications of Logic to Algebra and Arithmetic held at Karpacz, Poland, September 1–7, 1979, edited by L. Pacholski, J. Wierzejewski, and A. J. Wilkie, Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 834, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 1980, pp. 186–210. - James H. Schmerl and Stephen G. Simpson. On the role of Ramsey quantifiers in first order arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 423–435. - Carl Morgenstern. On generalized quantifiers in arithmetic. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 47 , pp. 187–190. [REVIEW]L. A. S. Kirby - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (4):1078-1079.
  45.  13
    Book Review: An Education in Sexuality and Sociality: Heteronormativity on Campus by Frank G. Karioris. [REVIEW]Mia M. Kirby - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (2):337-339.
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    Trust, Conflicts of Interest, and Concussion Reporting in College Football Players.Christine M. Baugh, Emily Kroshus, William P. Meehan & Eric G. Campbell - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (2):307-314.
    Sports medicine clinicians face conflicts of interest in providing medical care to athletes. Using a survey of college football players, this study evaluates whether athletes are aware of these conflicts of interest, whether these conflicts affect athlete trust in their health care providers, or whether conflicts or athletes' trust in stakeholders are associated with athletes' injury reporting behaviors.
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    Interacting Effect of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) and Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Gene Polymorphisms, and Stressful Life Events on Aggressive Behavior in Chinese Male Adolescents.Meiping Wang, Hailei Li, Kirby Deater-Deckard & Wenxin Zhang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355279.
    Numerous studies have demonstrated that both catechol- O -methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene and monoamine oxidase A ( MAOA ) gene have been involved in aggressive behavior, as have stressful life events (SLEs). However, most of available evidence was based upon single gene or single gene–environment design, which is limited in accounting for the variance of aggressive behavior, a complex phenotype. This study examined the possible gene × gene × environment interactions between SLE (interpersonal problems and academic pressure) and two (...)
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  48.  37
    Patients' Knowledge of Key Messaging in Drug Safety Communications for Zolpidem and Eszopiclone: A National Survey.Aaron S. Kesselheim, Michael S. Sinha, Paula Rausch, Zhigang Lu, Frazer A. Tessema, Brian M. Lappin, Esther H. Zhou, Gerald J. Dal Pan, Lee Zwanziger, Amy Ramanadham, Anita Loughlin, Cheryl Enger, Jerry Avorn & Eric G. Campbell - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (3):430-441.
    Drug Safety Communications are used by the Food and Drug Administration to inform health care providers, patients, caregivers, and the general public about safety issues related to FDA-approved drugs. To assess patient knowledge of the messaging contained in DSCs related to the sleep aids zolpidem and eszopiclone, we conducted a large, cross-sectional patient survey of 1,982 commercially insured patients selected by stratified random sampling from the Optum Research Database who had filled at least two prescriptions for either zolpidem or eszopiclone (...)
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  49.  12
    16. A preliminary agenda for the psychology of science.Robert A. Neimeyer, William R. Shadish Jr, Eric G. Freedman, Barry Gholson & Arthur C. Houts - 1989 - In Barry Gholson, Psychology of science: contributions to metascience. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  50.  27
    Ethics and Medical Aid in Dying: Physicians’ Perspectives on Disclosure, Presence, and Eligibility.Matthew DeCamp, Julie Ressalam, Hillary D. Lum, Elizabeth R. Kessler, Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic, Vinay Kini & Eric G. Campbell - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):641-650.
    Medical aid in dying (MAiD), despite being legal in many jurisdictions, remains controversial ethically. Existing surveys of physicians’ perceptions of MAiD tend to focus on the legal or moral permissibility of MAiD in general. Using a novel sampling strategy, we surveyed physicians likely to have engaged in MAiD-related activities in Colorado to assess their attitudes toward contemporary ethical issues in MAiD.
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